Janet Yi-Ching Huang
PhD student
PhD student
I am an Assistant Professor, Future Everyday group, Industrial Design, TU/e. Previously, I work with Prof. Lin-Lin Chen as a PostDoc Researcher at TU/e, exploring human-AI co-learing for creative tasks. We are designing and building a toolkit for supporting designers to get familiar with AI as design materials, and play with AI to solve diverse problems in the various contexts.
I earned my PhD from National Taiwan University on June, 2018. My PhD dissertation focuses on designing intelligent systems that support people to accomplish creative tasks like writing or design. [PhD thesis defense slides].
My research interest focuses on human computer interaction, crowdsourcing and social computing. Currently I work on designing crowd-powered systems that combines the power of machine and crowd for supporting novices to accomplish the tasks that are too hard for machine or a single expert. Inspired by learning science, I designed several scaffolding mechanisms to guide the crowd to produce high-quality results. The ideas had been applied on the domains of user interface interpretation, physical sensing, and complex creative tasks solving.
If you’re interested in my research, please email me.