Yi-Hsuan Lu
Master student
Master student
Hi, I am a member of iAgent lab.
@inbook{Wang:DADH12, Address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, Author = {Wang, Yu-chun and Lu, Yi-hsuan and Tsai, Richard Tzong-han and Liu, Qing-feng and Jin, Guan-tao and Liu, Chao-lin}, Booktitle = {Digital Humanities and Craft: Technological Change}, Chapter = {Text Mining}, Date-Added = {2016-02-25 18:17:51 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-02-29 07:38:30 +0000}, Editor = {Hsiang, Jieh}, Isbn = {978-986-350-010-0}, Month = {April}, Pages = {121--137}, Publisher = {National Taiwan University Press}, Title = {Transliteration Extraction Methods for Historical Chinese Literature}, Url = {http://www.dadh-record.digital.ntu.edu.tw/config_xml/2012config/programINFO/abs/paper05_02_abs.pdf}, Year = {2014}}
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